Kamala Harris is not your wacky aunt, she’s more dangerous than Biden

Kamala Harris is a human meme.

Over the past three and a half years, America has come to know the veep for her philosophizing about the significance of the passage of time, her coconut-laden lectures about context, her yearning to be “unburdened by what has been,” and of course, The Cackle™.

Consequently, the GOP’s attacks on her have tended to revolve around the fact that Harris is cringe personified.

But as enjoyable and cathartic as the jokes about her have been, it’s time to get serious.

Harris is now on the precipice of the presidency and Americans must know the truth.

Her greatest sin is not that she’s sometimes awkward in the way that your wacky aunt is, or even that she’s lacking in political talent.

It’s that at her core, Kamala Harris is a far-left, authoritarian demagogue.

If you want to know what her vision for the country would look like, think about a double down on Joe Biden’s failed agenda.

Or her failed home state of California, only without the balmy weather.

Under Biden, the federal government has sought to hamstring domestic energy producers to the detriment of those of us paying more at the pump.

His No. 2 would not rest until we were all even less comfortable and well-off.

In the Senate, Harris championed the farcical $10 trillion Green New Deal, which called for the total destruction of the vital fossil fuel industry that not only provides blue-collar Americans with high-paying jobs, but underwrites our high standard of living.

And that’s to say nothing of the quasi-socialist makeover of the United States economy it would kickstart.

Then, on the campaign trail, she boasted “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” the innovative industry that has revitalized the Pennsylvania economy and turned America into an energy exporter.

Even Biden has had the good sense to keep his distance from such absurd policy programs.

In fact, upon further examination, Harris’ agenda better resembles Bernie Sanders’, not her boss’s.

In 2019, she not only came out in favor of a massive Medicare-for-All health care program that would come with all of the requisite rationing of care that socialized medicine consigns its users to, but even went so far as to say that she would abolish private health insurance entirely.

Forget “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”: Harris made a promise that if you like your plan, she would blow it up.

Harris doesn’t even balk at tax rates of up to 80%, even calling the idea “fantastic” in one appearance that saw her praise Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) for “challenging the status quo.”

Her radicalism extends into the social realm as well, where she is especially prone to demagoguery.

She threw herself way out over her skis to describe the Jussie Smollett hoax as a “modern-day lynching.”

She launched a brutal — and largely unfair — attack on Biden’s record on race during a Democratic primary debate.

She hopped on to the destructive “Defund the police” bandwagon and applauded Los Angeles for cutting its police department’s budget by $150 million.

She came within an inch of calling for the abolishment of ICE, arguing that “we need to probably be thinking about starting from scratch.”

Unsatisfied with the already radically permissive abortion law framework set in place by Roe v. Wade, she promised to wield the Department of Justice against pro-lifers.

And perhaps most notably, she urged her followers to donate to bail funds for the sick rioters who unleashed hell on America’s cities during the summer of 2020.

During her previous campaign, Harris promised, with a wave of her make-believe scepter, to implement a sweeping amnesty program for illegal immigrants and violate the Second Amendment, all without a peep from Congress — you know, the legislative branch she was serving in at the time.

Think DACA and Biden’s preposterous student loan debt transfer, but on steroids.

So yes, Kamala Harris is a meme, the kind of person who’s comprehensible only about half the time.

But pay attention to the semi-coherent parts of what she says.

You’ll find that she’s not just promising a Biden redux, but something much, much worse.

Isaac Schorr is a staff writer at Mediaite.

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